Camp WeSC UK is a residential skateboard camp set up in 2011 by professional skateboarder Mark Baines. The aim of the camp is to give boys and girls aged 11 and over the opportunity to spend five days skating with some of their favourite pro skaters and progress with their skating in a relaxed environment.
There are now four Camp WeSC UK events held during the year – the first is in the Easter school holidays at Hull’s Rockcity Skatepark (formerly known as the Subculture skate plaza), undoubtedly one of the best indoor skateparks in the UK. Later in the year, two summer camps are held at the skate plaza in the beautiful Cornish town of Truro, and another camp is held in Hull.
With support from sponsors including Sidewalk, 2013 was the first year that Camp WesC was able to hold an Easter camp, and Paul Regan and Dan Beall put together a great film of the event, featuring Nicky Howells, Jody Smith, Dave Snaddon and all of the campers. Another film was released later in the year of the Truro camps, featuring pro skaters including Baines, Joshua ‘Manhead’ Young, Tom Knox and Howells.
Some of the sponsors supporting 2014’s Camp WeSC events include WeSC, Fabric Skateboards, Milk Skateboards, Lakai Footwear, MOB Grip and Story Clothing. Among the top pros who will attend are Baines himself, plus Beall, Manny Lopez, James Bush, Douwe Macare, Jody Smith, Leo Smith, Regan, Nick Remon, Howells and Young.