411 ‘Industry’ profiles were essentially the prototype for web released team promos that now drop at an all too frequent rate. Back in the 90’s when company produced videos dropped only a couple of times per year, these short Industry sections were the perfect way for a company to showcase their team and give the waiting global audience a glimpse at the visual aesthetic of their brand without having them wait several years for their next full length video release.
Some companies opted for a straight forward “here’s our team skating a selection of spots” approach, whilst others went all out and used the opportunity to make a statement about their brand; some that opted for the latter route still have their efforts hailed as the most memorable sections that 411 housed over their two decade long lifespan.
As a sort of potted history lesson/411 appreciation post, we’ve decided to collect some of the better Industry sections that can be currently found floating about in cyberspace and have put them all in one easy to access article for you. Have a click through below now and explore some classic 411 moments and long lost gems from over the years. And maybe witness some obscure visual moments from a collection of your favourite brands…