Forde Brookfield headed out to CPH with his trusty VX, capturing footage of plenty of friends, associates and general rippers in town for the Copenhagen Open to offer up the ‘Baghead Crew in Copenhagen 2017’ video for your viewing pleasure. With everyone from Midlands-based under-the-radar rippers to the likes of Rune Glifberg, a Frank Gerwer dildo themed cameo and what basically amounts to a full section of Sox in Wonderland, this is definitely one to put
Featuring Ryan Leech, Jed Taylor, Adam Connett, Ryan Wright, Dominic Padgett, Mike Simons, Connor Weinstein, Jim Spencer, Cameron Linford, Matt Berger, Charlie Munro, Eric Thomas, Rob Jones, Aaron Wilmot, Ryan Price, Brendan Watson, Saul Crumlish, Rune Glifberg, Frank Gerwer, Dead Dave, Jozef Szklaruk, Sox and many more.