Words, photos and edit by Jenna Selby
Last weekend saw the 15th annual Girl Skate Jam held at Pioneer Skatepark in St Albans. Riders travelled from all over the UK to get involved. First to arrive was 7-year-old Roxana Howlett, driven up by her dad from sunny Devon. Not long after followed a crew of Exist Skatepark locals from Swansea. Longest drive of the day went to Lucy Adams and Josie Millard, who spent the best part of three hours on the M25 (AKA the road from hell) in its usual car park-come-traffic jam like state.
The Groms comp kicked off the day, this was a chance for the younger ones to get involved and they were given four minutes to show their stuff. This was followed shortly afterwards by the Under 18’s. These girls are definitely the ones to keep an eye out for in the future. Daisy Oblein, a Pioneer local, unfortunately hadn’t skated for four weeks due to a broken foot but still landed some wallie rock fakies on the ledge and front 180’s and pop shuvs on the driveway. Roxana landed some nice bonelesses on the quarter and boardslides on the rail whilst Swansea’s Naomi opted for a long boardslide on the block and flips out of the driveways.