Sk8 Wine’s CPH Open 2017 Round up
Rob Ayton takes his alter-ego for a wander around recent goings on in Copenhagen for CPH Open 2017.
Clip number 1 is composed of various highlights from Fælledparken, with regular Sk8 Wine faces including Forde Brookfield, Dvargs, Jimmy Wilkins, Helena Long, Rianne Evans, Sam Beckett and various others attempting to be civil whilst Rob, (and Forde) shove a microphone in their faces.
In the words of X-Games medalist Sam Beckett, “This is dogshit…”
Clip number 2 sees Rob walking around the after party annoying people…(his words Lynn, not ours).
Featuring Roman Pabich, Stef Nurding, Dvargs, Fred, Rianne & Josh, Nora Vasconcellos, Jimmy Wilkins and Ali Boulala – to name but a few….