Cosmic Chunder hits Europe in ‘Black Coffee and Yoga’, exploring the concrete pits, fullpipes and street spots of Belgium and beyond (or possibly just Belgium, it just seemed easiest to play it safe as I don’t recognise a couple of the spots featured in the clip) with a crew consisting of Moggins, Sox, Brendan Watson, James Kasey, Theyge Nenz and various other rippers.
The incredible Mechelen DIY makes an appearance, as do various other offerings from the brilliant Concrete Dreams (the company who came about from the Mechelen build), which is why I’m assuming that this is mostly Belgian, while some natural gnar occurs in the form of a tight looking ditch situation and a well sessioned egg pipe. Lo-fi, fun and with the lesser seen soundtrack inclusion of Ghanaian bedroom musician turned underground sensation Ata Kak (more on him here), this ticks all the right boxes to have you over the Channel and exploring the mainland before Brexit makes that more of a ball ache.
For more of that, you could do much worse than checking out the various incarnations of the Bad Boi Cru European Tours – which also feature Moggins, Sox and Brendan at some point or other, and should increase that nagging mental itch to sack off your day to day life and disappear in a van full of skateboards and lager just to see what might happen. If you don’t try, you’ll never find out…
Peep more from Cosmic Chunder AKA Switch Mute to enjoy more Midlands and Yorkshire heavy shredding combining two of the best grass roots scenes in the country – and remind yourself that getting on the road is just as satisfying on these shores (unless your other option is Copenhagen, in which case always go with Copenhagen).