Chris Oliver Footage Feast
Chris Oliver Footage Feast
Above photo: Sam Ashley
Chris Oliver has been on skateboarding’s radar since the mid 90s, straight out of Bridport and raising the UK street skating bar with high pop and a big bag of tricks which he can seemingly take to anything. Coming back from a knee injury which would have put many out of action for good, the lack of a massive amount of sections is mostly due to being busy killing it in countrywide contests, making beats and working a full time job. These days you can often find him doing something ridiculous at both classic spots and untouched gems around London
As the emerging generation of UK skaters get gnarlier than ever Chroliver is still holding his own, watch him shut down a miniramp jam next time you get the chance. The sections that he has put out are uniformly mind blowing and can be seen over the next few pages, augmented with some web clips which are often just as good, in our Chris Oliver Footage Feast.