adidas Skateboarding Australia presents ‘Activated’, with Dennis Durrant and the rest of the Oz team hitting cities across the country, as well as Tasmania. Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane are all descended upon by a heavy squad skilled in the art of riding their stuntplanks through the vagaries of Antipodean architecture. What with everything there being built in the last 200 or so years and subject to mostly sunshine, this means a wide array of terrain less weathered than you’d be likely to find in, say, Aberdeen – as such, proper spot porn awaits…
Featuring Dennis Durrant, Tom Snape, Gabriel Summers, Ryan Wilson, Jae Overton, Kayle Lawson, Mitch Morrison, Adam Davies, Sean Parker, Keanu Peina, Louie Dodd, Phil Marshall, Morgan Campbell, Brad Saunders, Levi Jarvis, Billy Lukins, Reef Condon and LP Nuku.