

Behind The Cover – May 2011: Nick Remon

Chelmsford’s most madcap son, Vans and Superdead youth and all round eccentric/entertaining human, Nick Remon, backed up his First Light a few issues previous by crook-bonking a postbox in front of a castle and landing firmly on the cover of May’s mag.

What did his brain make of the whole thing? Find out below…

Back in May, the reader’s of Sidewalk were treated to a Royal Mailed themed cover shot from yourself. Was the cover shot a premeditated thing or did you not know it was going to be a cover?
Nah, I didn’t think it would be a cover at all. I ended up finding out through Facebook and I didn’t even recognise it as being the photo we shot, because I didn’t see that massive building in the background when I was skating. It was a bit of a shock when I realised it was me. But I didn’t get told or anything that I was getting a cover so I was super stoked when I saw it. Also Powley had already made a bet with me that if I could get a cover, he would get me a iPod, and I was thinking there’s no way that’s gonna be happening. Stoked on my iPod, cheers Powley!

The photo was shot in Wakefield, right? What were you doing up there? Bit of a long way from Chelmsford isn’t it?
Yeah, it’s miles away from Chelmsford! I was up in Leeds filming for “In Progress” with Rye (Gray), Ben (Powell) Nicky Howells, Joe Lynskey and other people up there. We’d already been hittin’ up spots like Playhouse and all the iconic Leeds street as I was trying to shoot for my Haunts at the same time as getting footage, so we met up with CJ for a couple of days. We were skating Wakefield a lot too because Ben was living there and him and Rye know all the spots, like this sort of wasteland place with a wall to a drop – we got loads of shit there, and then we hit up the place with the postbox. I love skating up North, there’s so many good spots everywhere!

Usually we’re used to seeing handrails and stairs on the cover of skate mags. This was definitely something out of leftfield. How did you come up with the idea of trying the crook bonk? Was it something that instantly clicked in your mind or have you skated other things of similar obscurity before?
I dunno, I was just skating the manny pad which forms the run up and then I noticed the postbox and I thought you could probably do something on that, so bonks are pretty easy on higher things because you’ve just gotta hit the truck. I like doing those sorts of things so I thought I might as well try it. I’m not sure it’s a bit leftfield or kind of off the beaten track, but it’s definitely fun. I filmed it pretty quickly which was cool, and then the next day CJ drove up to get the photo of it.

I remember when this came out a few people on the internet were asking if there was some sort of kicker out of shot or the other side of those slabs were some sort of launching device?
Haha, yeah I heard that somewhere too. I dunno, you can see that there’s not a kicker or any awkward up hill run up. But there’s nothing that helps you get there. I think the picture makes it look higher than it actually is but either way, I’m stoked on it.

This was you’re first cover right? How did it feel when you held a copy of the mag in your hands and what was the reaction down your local park?
Yeah my first cover. It’s my first and only cover! Haha. But yeah, I’m really happy with it, my Mum was happy too. The reaction down the local park was alright, my friends were more stoked though. Nobody thought it was me because I had short hair but it was cool, everyone was stoked.

So this year’s ended on a high for you with the Vans Big Push edit and article and your part in the Sidewalk DVD “In Progress” – would you say that 2011 has been a good year?
Yeah it’s been a good year. I’ve been able to do so much stuff man. I even went skating abroad for the first time, in Bilbao with Superdead and Sidewalk, which has ended up being my favorite trip so far. We just skated all day and night with all of the team. Everyone’s cool as well! Big Push was sick too. I went on it the year before so I had an idea of what would happen and what we’d have to get done, but this year was really fun because we skated all street spots. I got to spend time with loads of rad people like Shaun Currie and Denis (Lynn). Finally seeing the Sidewalk video was so sick! Rye wouldn’t show me anything until it came out and I’d been filming for it for about a year or so. I was so stoked on everyone’s part and to be part of it all.

What are your plans as far as skating goes in 2012?
I wanna get my Haunts done, so I’m gonna go out with CJ and get some stuff, but yeah, just keep skating and having fun hopefully. If I get to do as much shit as I’ve done this year or maybe more as far as Vans travel goes, then I’m stoked. There’s a Switch promo coming out which I’ve been filming for with Dave Watson, George Gough, Craig Coombs and some other Southend heads. I think Superdead are doing something footage based with Jim Craven, which sounds good, and in general just keep having fun!

Remon, Jake, Nev and Dave Watson venture out around Essex in the second “Get in the Van” edit:

Get in the Van – Part 2

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