

Marseille Zoo Episode 4 by Rémi Luciani

Marseille skate edit with Magenta and Minuit heads

Marseille Zoo Episode 4 – Chilled out French skateboarding

If, like me, you’re looking out of the window in despair at the snow falling from the heavens with the heating on as high as you can afford, then we might just have a (temporary) antidote to those February blues.
Marseille Zoo Episode 4, filmed and edited by Rémi Luciani, (with additional filming by Zach Chamberlin and still photography by George Booth Cole) serves up 30 minutes of sun-drenched beach-side vibes from the city of Marseille accompanied by a mellow, varied soundtrack – about as far removed from today’s British reality as possible, right?

Featuring the likes of Yoan Taillandier, Zach Chamberlin, Antoine Jouguet, Leo Valls, Louis Woodhead and Masaki Ui to name just a few, this is a tour de force in enjoyable, relatable skateboarding. With a definite Magenta/Minuit influence (never a bad thing) and an array of amazing looking spots hidden throughout the beautiful city of Marseille – you’re not going to regret watching this, believe us.
This is part 4 of an ongoing series by Rémi, so if you enjoy this, (and I’m hard pressed to see why you wouldn’t) go check out his YouTube channel to watch the previous ones. If the description hasn’t made it obvious to you yet, this is mellow, low-impact skateboarding, so lots of wallies and cruising lines through interesting architecture – you know what we mean. If you’re a stair-counter, or someone only interested in skateboarding where there’s a distinct possibility of death or serious injury then yeah, it’s probably not for you.

Bravo to all involved and merci to Rémi for bringing it to our our attention – definitely just brightened up this horribly cold, depressing Wednesday morning.
Go give it a watch, stick your headphones on and imagine that you’re in Marseille and it’s not freezing

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