

Hull Metal Jacket – Michael Foreman, Scott Palmer, Rich Hardy and more

Hull Metal Jacket continues to hit the web, this time with a full section from the video’s editor Michael Foreman followed by a Hull OG montage featuring Scott Palmer, Rich Hardy, Marc Banks and Dave Eggleton.

Michael lays down some fast, tech ripping across the North East, before the OG crew put it down for the arthritic knee brigade. It’s rad to see this lot still hitting the streets hard, with the addition of some park footage which sees them leaving the North briefly to hit Southbank and even braving knee deep piles of toxic pigeon shit to session the much maligned confines of London’s White Grounds.

Check out the previously uploaded sections from Foreman’s 2015 Hull scene video while you’re at it for more North East bangers and topless trenchcoat moshers…

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