We received this email with the warning to ‘be prepared for nudity and vomiting’. After watching we can confirm that both these things are present, as well as add our own addendum to be prepared for no less than three versions of the Pokemon theme tune – and who’d have thought we’d be describing that as topical in 2016? Piss drinking is in there as well, which two months ago was on about the same level of social acceptability…anyway the visible decline of civilization aside, King of the Craic is Ireland’s answer to King of the Road, except rather than sun drenched Arizona ditches you get drizzle-swept suburbs in Dublin, which in our opinion is way radder.
Press play for the High Rollers entry featuring Jason Cox, Darragh O’Connor, Gav Coughlan, Michael McMaster, Mark Jordan, Vitor Martins and Mark Foran taking on the challenges with gusto!