The Cliché “Bullseye Tour” continues to roll around the surprisingly summer-like UK, with Dwindle Europe main man Sami sending us over a collection of snapshots and some text live and direct from yesterdays session at Macclesfield.
“What are you doing in Macclesfield?” they asked. “Skating”. “No way… we were in Manchester yesterday, it was great!”. Yeah, Manchester’s been in flames, day and night. We headed over to Endemic in Huddersfield last night before driving north to Five Bridges and Native today. As we speak, Tim Smith is sweating with his camera as too much stuff is going on all around. Tanner, Joey, Charles, Lucas…all heavy on it in the sunshine. What weather, what a day! It’s been a supernate journey so far, ohhh yeah! – Sami.
Have a browse below now to see what this lot have been up to, and be sure to head to either Five Bridges today at 3pm or Native at 6pm to hook up with Lucas Puig, Jeremie Daclin, Sammy Winter, Joey Brezinski, Javier Mendizabal, Flo Mirtain, Charles Collet and John Tanner.
Stay tuned for further updates…