Some hidden gems from the last 20 years of skateboarding videos
Some hidden gems from the last 20 years of skateboarding videos
You’ll want to put the kettle on for this one…
The last few years have seen the internet causing a drastic change in how we consume skateboard media; while we now seemingly have a massive archive of skateboarding at our fingertips, the sheer amount of footage available can be overwhelming. Instagram also seems to be bringing about a virtual form of ADHD, where if a video hasn’t grabbed attention in 15 seconds it is quickly discarded by the brain and we move onto the next digestible slice of shred.
This pixelated finger buffet can mean that certain things get missed, things which are actually worth some time and appreciation. With this in mind, click through to enjoy Camera Obscurity – some of our favourite videos of the 1990s and 2000s which may have escaped your notice the first time around. Some are uploaded in full, some in parts which we have collected and put on one page for ease of access, while others only have short segments available. For these you’ll just have to get exploring…