D.I.Y. (aka Gurnside or Trentside or Ghetto Spot) – 2014 – 2017
The big one; quite literally, Gurnside was a massive open air spot next to an abandoned warehouse, laying in the shadow of the incinerator chimney in Sneinton, a 5 minute skate from the infamous square and even closer to a whole gaggle of skate rat’s houses. Living next door to your DIY spot really helps it move along. It took us a while to get going with this one; the spot being skated for ages as is, which wasn’t very good to be honest, before we started slinging ‘crete about the place. Once the floodgates had creaked opened and the snowball was rolling, the place really took off.

Within a few months of the first few pours, we had a full-on skatepark/communal inner-city ranch on the go; the obstacles snaking through the maze of Buddleia bushes linking the disparate sections of the space together, a hastily constructed stoners hut, which more than one person kipped in, various bbq and bench set ups and enough empty beer cans lobbed in the bushes to keep Andy Roy happily scavenging for months. It became it’s Own Private Idaho/commune, with rules and regulations and social patterns all of its own, with an ever in-flux, and ever growing community. It always made me think of ‘Lord of the Flies’ truth be told… it was pretty lawless down there and I loved it dearly for that.

This was the first build that grew beyond a few separate local scenes and truly encompassed the whole city scene and beyond, becoming a living, breathing model of a (dis-) functioning community, with all the fun, learning, drama, ego’s and life that that entails.
(Neil Turner’s offering to the altar of the DIY)
With a steady flow of anywhere of up to 60+ kids coming and going daily, I’m amazed it lasted as long as it did, and very thankful that it did, as those long, drunk, stoned, giddy summer evenings of clubbing together to build new shit; realize someone’s, or some collection of one’s half-baked dreams and schemes in sand, cement and water, and then figuring out how to skate the awkward fuckers once they’d set are some of the best times of my life.
As comrades Marx and Engels so rightly noted in their Communist Manifesto, all that is solid melts into the air, and so, eventually the DIY came to pass, or more accurately, was smashed up by hired goons.
I could prattle on till I’m blue in the face/fingers about the final days of the DIY, and Marx knows I have in the past, though really there is little more to say than some sense of public relations go a long way when trying to maintain your illegal tenancy on somebody else’s land, and also, who really cares?!
All that is solid melts into the air indeed, and you can’t be overly upset when an illegal build gets taken down, regardless of how much love, sweat, beers and stolen materials were poured into it. The important thing is to enjoy it whilst its there, and start all over again once it’s gone. Which leads us on to…
(One of Danny O’Neill’s pagan prayers to much the same)

Dougy, front blunt on a flying visit to Gurnside. Photo: Horse