“These pics are from a little foray in Lomo art whilst extremely drunk on free Jack Daniels at the Globe Melbourne contest back in 2005.
The budgie began life as a wall feature in the club but after being liberated by Horse ended up meeting the celebs.” – Ben.
Consult The Dump for more drunken Lomo snaps over the course of the week…

Alex Klein and the start of the budgie saga.

Creager and the budgie.

Omar Salazar and the budgie.

Andrew ‘Cuzza’ Currie.

Mini David, no budgie.

Jake Duncombe and the budgie.

Matt Mumford and the budgie.

Al Boglio and the budgie.

Elissa and the budgie.

Appleyard, no budgie.

Biebel and a young Lutzka, no budgie.

Knocked out by Biebel 5 minutes later.

Geoff, no budgie.

Lee FUCKING Ralph and the budgie!!!