As mentioned several times over the past few weeks, “Brighten”, the latest Brighton scene production from the hands of James ‘Slim Jim’ Cheetham, premiered on Friday night, and, as you’d expect, the video was amazing and the evening went off!
Keep an eye on the mag for a full review in the not so distant future, and also keep an eye out for release info soon too, but for now, have a look at the random assortment of snapshots my camera managed to acquire over the course of the evening, with a little bit of bootlegged footage from the premiere…
Check back tomorrow for an edit of a post premiere session down The Level, and pick up a copy of “Brighten” when they hit the shops – severe props to Slim and all involved!

No food, Wetherspoons, 99p Becks, get in!

“Are them Coco Pop Mega Munchies?”

Lynskey finds a little bit of home in Brighton.

The view outside Sallis Benney Theater, 7:55pm

Yes Amir! Po-po lurking on the far left…

Nice one Slim!

Captive audience.

James Kilpatrick and his missus…West side or something?

Andy Evans and his amazingly unsuspecting eyes were there.

Slim – also known as ‘the man who Brighton needs to be directing props to’.
As for “Brighten”, check Coopers bootlegged ender… Skateboarding >>
…or not. If you can’t tell by the reaction, everyone loved “Brighten”.

Worthing in the house!

Kill City down The Level.

Tyler and Nicky, obviously holding it down for Wales.

Joss and Slim, about 20 minutes before the police turned up and shut down the impromptu Level after party down.
And we out.