To celebrate Death Skateboards’ 15th year of existence, the combined forces of Benson, Dan Cates, Rob Smith, Mark Radman, Ronny Calow, Mike Simons, Mikey Patrick, Moggins, Adam Moss, Blinky, Nudge, Sam Murgatroyd, Dean Palmer and Matt Pennington clambered into a convoy of vehicles and hit the road for an extensive exploration of the UK’s skateable (and sometimes not so skateable) architecture.
The edit from the mission is awaiting your attention below right now, with the accompanying ‘A-Z of Death: 15 Years Deep’ article also featured in the pages of Sidewalk 207, which is available from skateshops up and down the country as I type.
Get watching, and raise your glasses to the next 15!
Dan Cates’ blog from the tour dropping online in the very near future…