After killing it at every event recently, and putting out a blinding part in “Better Than Life”, the powers that be at Death Skateboards have seen fit to grace a skateboard with Carl Wilsons name. As it happens, Potter is currently working on a Haunts for a coming issue of the mag, so use this as somewhat of a taster for a full interview, coming in 2008.

Potters latest Death ad, backside crail at the “BMX Spot”. Photo: Courtesy of Death
So then Carl, what’s an average day consist of for you?
Well most of the time I get home from working all night, have a cup
of tea and a fag then go to sleep for about 3 hours, then I get up,
drink more tea then phone some heads up and if the weather is good
go for a skate. If the weather’s not good then I’ll go round my mates and
drink coffee all day.
3 hours sleep? that must mess you up a bit! Where do you work?
I work in an old peoples home at nights, from 9pm to 7:30am then have like 3 hours sleep and then go skating. It’s not that good all the time, haha!
What do have to do at an old peoples home at night? Can’t really that much to do, surely…
Well because I do nights most of them are asleep so I get it quite easy really. I drink too much tea and smoke too many fags to fill up my time. I also have to wipe there bums and stuff, give them a wash in the mornings and thats about it really.
Who is your regular crew to go skating with?
Mark Munson, Ben Raemers, Adam Howes, Gorm, Dope Dave and James.
How was filming for the new Death video? How did you go about getting
It was quite chilled out really, if we were out skating and I
thought something might be OK then I would try and film it,
then I just ended up with enough footage for the vid.
Who did you mainly film with?
Mostly with Gorm, he’s the best! Mark Munson and Toby Bachelor did some as well.
Did you go on many missions with the rest of the team whilst filming
“Better Than Life”?
Not really. We went to Isreal which is so good, so many spots. I went there with Dan Cates, Boots, Steak and Richie; so good!
Are you pleased with how your part has come out?
Yeah, I’m quit happy but I would have liked to have gone and got more street
stuff. There’s always next time!
Whose section on “Better Than Life” do you enjoy watching the most?
I think that all the sections are really good, but I think it has to
be Scotty, Dave Allen and Dean Palmer, they are all really sick, really amazing.
Congratulations on getting your first board out. How did the whole
“turning pro” thing come about for you?
Well, I’m not really sure! Nick was just like “I’m going to do you a board”,
and I was like “I’m not sure if I want one.” I mean, who’s going to buy my
board? No one really even knows who I am! In the end I
gave in, so now I’ve got one, haha!
Can you tell us a bit about the graphic?
I went to Spain with French, Mark Munson and Styley. I had seen
French’s artwork and really liked it so I asked him if he would draw
me a wizard as my graphic because my nickname is Potter, as in Harry, and he said he’d love to. It turned out amazing, stoked! Thanks, French!
I heard a rumour that you only wanted to have one pro board out, as a
one off, so to speak. Is this still the case or are you going to see
what happens?
That would be telling! Haha!
What’s your take on this years War of the Roses event? Was this the
first year you’ve been? How was falling on to your teeth in The Works
pool? Looked a bit painful…
Yeah, it was the first one I have been to. Everyone went off! That slam
was OK, i got away with that one really, my teeth just scraped on the floor… I was lucky, man!
What have you got planned next then? Any more video projects in the
pipeline, working on any interviews?
I’m just going to keep filming whenever really, also working on a
Haunts which is going OK I think…