Hornseas favourite ex-internet lurker sorts us out his ‘Last Orders’ this week, with a bonus ‘Regan in Paris’ edit courtesy of Science tagged on to the bottom of the page!

Drink you ordered: Champagne from ‘Pozition’.
Person you spoke to: Banksy on the phone just now.
Trick you filmed: Nollie 270 kickflip over the hip at Bridlington.
Photo you shot: Nollie pop shuvit in Italy with Percy.
Country you visited: Italy.
Time you saw Scott Palmer: Last week…
Time you wish you lived somewhere other than Hornsea: Everyday. Ha ha!
Thing you skated in Hornsea: The skatepark, last week I think?
Thing you skated in Hull: Ings Skatepark.
Skate event you travelled to: Bridlington ‘Concrete Carnival’, a Vans event – it was sick!
Trick you learnt: Can’t remember! Erm…powerslides across the volcano at Ings? Maybe…
Trick you lost: Many! Ha…
Book you read: Does ‘Sidewalk’ count?
Time you were outraged: At the ex-girlfriend…
Piece of advice you received: Banksy – Telling me I should go to London this weekend.
Injury you suffered from: Shin-dig at Brid.
Time you thought about upgrading to Facebook: I went to Ami’s last night and she tried to make me one, I couldn’t be arsed, so she made me watch ‘Sex and the City’ instead. Stoked…
Time you posted on the forum: The other day about Brid ‘Concrete Carnival’ I think? Maybe it was last week?
Song listened to: ‘Beggin’, by that dude you told me about, ha!
Film you watched and enjoyed: The new ‘Batman’ film was amazing! Or ‘Hancock’.
Film you watched and hated: ‘Sex and the City’
Skate video you watched from start to finish: ‘Big Push 4’ or ‘This N That’.
Website visited: Sidewalk, checked the footage from Brid. The ‘Brid Local’ was actually Mirza From Hull.
Thing you downloaded: A song from a mate.
Time you rocked the ‘squid-ring’: Ha, 2 years ago? Them days are long gone my friend!
Skateboarder who impressed you: Aaron Sweeney – he was sick! And he was stoked on the rave I took him to in Hull, ha!
Time you said “never again”: This weekend just gone…
Item of importance that you lost: My house keys, I posted them to the car insurance place by mistake.
Time you feared for your life: When I woke up from a night out with a rash all over my body. Wasn’t that bad, turned out to be shingles….
‘Regan in Paris’ courtesy of Science Skateboards:
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