UK Ipath rider, Central Skatepark employee and Mancunion skate scene staple Eddie Belvedere is this weeks ‘favourites’ subject – so cast your eyes below and have a read of what Eddie has to say.
Rumour has it that Sean Lomax and Joe Gavin’s upcoming Manchester DVD ‘Pusher Man’ is nearing completion, so start expecting full parts from Eddie, Joe Gavin, Ben Grove and the rest of the Manchester scene – check out the trailer by clicking here!

Photo: Silent
Way to start the day: Lie in, followed by cup of tea, some marmalade on toast and then a shag!
Skatespot: BBC banks on Oxford Road.
Skatepark: 10 years ago Bolton, present day Central Skatepark, Manchester.
Song to listen to when skating: Anything by Black Sabbath.
Skate video: The new Flip video even though I’ve not seen it yet.
Skate section: Going to have to have three…
1- Any Busenitz section.
2 – Joe Gavin “Workers and Lurkers”
3 – Chris Atherton on “Av’it”.
Movie:Life Aquatic by Wes Anderson.
Band: Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers.
Album: Affro Mans greatest hits.
Thrust lyric: ’Eight the first time, eight was great, eight the first time, nearly ate my face’
Person: Heather Sutherland Platt
Material Possession: My skateboard.
Local slang saying: They all make you sound like a dick, but ‘raw dogger’ is number one.
None skating pass-time: Refer to answer number one.
Skate trip to date: There’s been a lot of fucking good ones man, but any trip upto Scotland.
Time in your life: Right now.
Special move in a game of SKATE: The illusive ganja grab.
Board, ever: The old Tom Penny “Cheech and Chong”, best shape.
Comedy story involving Ben Grove: Went out with Ben when he was shooting some pictures for his Oakley thing, “Bens Life”. Started off playing a bit of pool in the bar and then Sexual Stu showed up, ended up getting pretty messy and made our way to a popular tranny club down the gay village. Once in the club we got our dance on and all the usual shit, me and Ben were chilling by the bar watching Sexual dancing between a few fresh faced trannies. Sexual comes over claiming he reckons he’s pulled, me and Ben burst into tears of laughter, then after telling him they were blokes he rips of his shirt and screams “fuck it!” and gets back in there dancing. Long live Grove and Sexual!
Ollie Tyreman quote: I know more stuff about stuff than you lot.
Disturbing experience: Quite a few years back on a camping trip up Rivvy in Bolton, we’ve had some mushrooms and we’re winding down in our tent when we heard a commotion from outside, we look down to the bottom of the big fucking hill were the car was parked. We could see torches and saw what we thought to be a gang of scallies. Seeing as though we were in Bolton and that we were all getting freaked out as you’d expect so I gave Tez a ring. He seemed to be more concerned in finding out our whereabouts rather than what was going on. I then called Leroy who warned me if I was winding him up and making him get out of his bed he’d have me for it. Whilst this is going on, one of my mates packed up his shit and fucked off, another mate had armed himself with pans and was claiming he was going to beat the so-called scallies down, meanwhile I was trying to keep my sanity while I waited for Leroy, Tez and Scotty to come and save us. When I got the call from them saying they had arrived I hadn’t seen any cars pull up and the torches seemed to be getting closer, by this time I was freaking out down the phone and my so-called mates had to come clean and told me it was them in the carpark and our car wasn’t going to be set on fire. Great! We made it down to the car the next morning and it was covered in ‘wank yourself silly’ stickers. On the way back to drop a friend off in town we crashed the car with the stickers still cleary on show. Thanks Tez, Andy, Leroy and Pete Dossett (and Johnny Warwick for the mushrooms.)
Tip to the reader: Never tell your mates were you plan on camping! And always wear a helmet!
Eddie in ‘Workers and Lurkers’ (2006) Skateboarding >>