Sheffield resident, Worksop native, Adidas UK rider and owner of the quickest feet in South Yorkshire, Danny Beall, talks about his favourite things this week, so engage your brain, cast your eyes below and get reading!
Keep an eye out for Beall in the Adidas ‘Big Push’, dropping in the very near future…

Way to start the day: Boss-head, coffee, hill bomb into town.
Skatespot: Pigeon Shit or Dreamlands, but apparently that isn’t gunna be about for much longer.
Skatepark: Dev Green, The House or Mile End.
Song to listen to when skating: Anything with heavy baselines. And a bit of Elliott Smith for the chiller.
Skate video: W.F.T.W, and still feeling ‘PJ Ladds…’.
Skate section: Grove on Sidewalk vid, or Snowy’s section on ‘Portraits’.
Movie: Nothin’ beats The Warriors.
Band: Stone Roses or I Am Kloot. OASIS!
Song lyric: ”41 quid a week to live my life on, cheers, nice one, wonder why I’m vexed when I sign on.” – Menace, Mixtape track.
Person: Not got a favorite, too many mans to choose from.
Material Possession: Laptop, can’t live without the internet vibes innit.
Local slang saying: 2’s up?
None skating pass-time: Chillin’. ‘Call of Duty’ – standard.
Worksop skater: Gotta be Baines, but Dave Dave is up there too haha.
Skate trip to date: First time I went Barca time ago, or Paris with Rye and Cruickshank – absolutely mash up and still skated loads.
Time in your life: The last 9 years give or take.
Special move in a game of SKATE: Gotta be switch caspers, no one’s got them, haha.
Comedy YouTube clip: – propa jokes.
Board, ever: Blueprint, Vaughan Baker artwork.
Comedy incident involving Paul O’Hara: Spurr of the moment mission to Amsterdam because it was snowing in Sheff. Got to ‘Dam then he decides to tell me he’s only got 27p, so we stayed in the ghetto-est hostel I’ve ever been in with no windows or anything in our room, haha. Was a sick mission, though…
Shaun Currie quote: ”In the square man” and “let me check scores” – Shaun TRYING to take the piss out of football.
Disturbing experience: Accidently stumbling across a guy noshin’ another guy off under a bridge near Sants. GRIM!
Danny Beall and Jerome Campbell in Matt Hirst’s 2006 ‘Day in the City’ edit. New Beall footage for your eyes very soon…