This weeks list of favourite things in the whole wide world comes from Baths very own high profile pikey type, Mr Ben Nordberg. Jah bless etc – now read on…

Way to start the day: Coffee and a cigarette! And a bacon sandwich.
Skatespot: Stalin Square. Only skated it once and it was too fun, that was 2 years ago when we were in Prague for the Mystic Cup.
Skatepark: Stockholm indoor park. Actually, fuck that. Bath park, couldn’t fault it.
Song to listen to when skating: Sizzla featuring Capelton – ‘Vibes’ or new one – Katchafire – “Collie Herb Man” Standard!
Skate video: Tilt Mode Army – “Man Down”. One of first videos I watched. Think it was good way to start skating, just fucking around but with some sick skating as well.
Movie: “Don’t be a Menace to South Central…”
Band (or artist): Sizzla
Album: “Chant Down Babylon” or “The Journey” – Sizzla. There’s loads more though.
Person: Powley – it’s a love/hate relationship, haha. We’ve had a lot of funny times and I owe alot to him. He’s still a cunt, though!
Material Possession: My iPhone, until I get a MacBook – my current laptop is a piece of shit.
Thing about living in Bath: You don’t get any shit from anyone, and nice surroundings.
Way to wind Powley up: Mess his house up, works every time!
None skating pass-time: Swimming.
Bath skater: Kris Vile, he’s a good mate as well. So many others though. Chris Oliver, Ross…
Skate trip to date: Copenhagen in the summer with WESC was fucking sick! Croatia with Vans…the list is too long!
Time in your life: Last year – it was so hectic but amazing at the same time. The present is quite good as well, haha!
Special move in a game of SKATE: The switch front foot impossible normally works, not too consistent though…
Comedy YouTube clip: Scarlet takes a tumble!
Board, ever: My current one, it’s working nicely.
Memory from the other weeks trip to Munich: Rob Smith on the metro or Scotty trying to throw a snowboard of a clubs roof. There are lots more…
Quote from the Munich trip: “What do you guys make of Bear Grylls? That guy’s out of control…” Raemers.
Thing to waste money on at petrol stations: Cigarettes, Coca Cola, crisps, chocolate, shit magazines and what ever else there is!
Bath and Bristol park montage with Nordberg, Jasper King-Harman, Fred Mansbridge… Skateboarding >>