This is the last of our “Best of 2007” interviews, as of next week we will be bringing back a long since defunct interview format from the mag to entertain you with on a weekly basis.
A Third Foot rider, LBP representative and Gentlemans Pistols bassist Doug McLaughlan ends our weekly recaps of 2007. As you’ll quickly gather, some of the answers don’t related directly back to the last 12 months hence the missing “2007” from the interviews title.
Also, have a look at Dougs “Baghead Flats” teaser at the bottom of the page.

Top 3 Skaters
Peter Bicci
Hamiliton Harris
Maurice Key
They’re the dopest, man, always on form.
Top 3 Youtube Clips
Wierd Al interviewing Paul McCartney, funny as f*ck man. They’ve chopped up this interview and made it look like Wierd Al is interviewing him. McCartneys so funny in it.
The X-Rated Parrot – Swearing all the time and keeps asking “do you want an egg?”
There’s a Japanese clip of all these robots and one of thems got a right stomp on him, proper robot stomping man, it’s well good.
Top 3 Gentlemans Pistols gigs
Battersea. We played a charity ball in a massive warehouse that had been done out like a big theatre. At the end of it I headbutted a geezer because he was trying to rob one of our guitarists amps.
The Boarderline, London. I had these red flares on that were made out of nylon or something, they were blinding. It was with Witchcraft as well, which is always a treat.
The Faversham, Leeds, just before Christmas. It was stomping, we’ve got a new drummer. I tell you he’s always on point!
Top 3 Video sections
Kareem Campbell – 20 Shot Sequence. Strictly dope, featuring the best invisible back tailslide on a wall, he’s just hovering. Sick.
Andy Roy on the first Consolidated video sick.
Rick Ranch at the piano.
Top 3 Slams
Josh Kasper – Can’t pick one but it was probably stinking though, that’s a given.
Livi Stu – Frontside air out of the small section at Livi into the deep end and hung up well bad.
Avids iron arse cheeks.
Leckys cannon ball slam off the Wisdom video, where he flies into the foam pit like a human cannonball.
Top 3 Quotes
It was NYE and everybody was just chit-chatting and that, and Chris came into the room tapping a glass as if he was going to make an announcement, the whole room went quiet like he was going to say something really joyous, and he just goes “has anybody seen a packet of Marlboro Reds?”
“F*cking…my body” Old Dirty Bastard from the WuTag “Enter the 36 Chambers” album.
“Wherever you come from, wherever you at, if you’re down with me, then lets roll!” ODB again.
Top 3 Amusing Incidents of 2007
We were in the Alps playing this gig and we went back to the place we were crashing at, getting into bed and that. Chris was in this sleeping bag with a pair of cuban heeled boots on, and this geezer named Bush kept leaning over and throwing tea bags at everyone, doing peoples heads in. He leaned over to talk to Chris, who was laying down on his back and this guy leaned right over the top of him, and just Chris lifted his feet up and just booted him to the chest, two cuban heels to the chest! This dude went flying straight onto his arse and me and Atko were just looking at each other, laughing. That was f*cking rad man.
The one about Manchester I’m not putting.
Can’t remember…
Top 3 things you were stoked on in 2007
I was stoked on Graham Walton, G, the late G, rest in peace my brother. He used to go “I’m stoked, are you stoked?” right in your face, always used to do it. Righteous.
Getting a new drummer, Stu. He’s pumping man, he’s got a good stomp on him, he’s the man for the job is what I’m trying to say.
Getting a new bird.
Learning Millar flips, I’ve been trying to learn them for years and finally learned them.
Top 3 things you didn’t round to doing in 2007.
Misbehaving, but I guess I did really…
We had a big American tour booked but our drummer quit to play some generic Mancunian bullshit right before we were meant to leave, so we never got to do the tour.
Top 3 things you’re looking forward to in 2008
Gigs, gigs, gigs. We’re going to the Alps, which is some rocky area on the map, and playing Ski resorts. We did some last year for a company called Dalek Fodder, it’s going to be good.
We’ve got loads of new songs written, they’re not finished yet but they’re in the pipeline.