As promised last week, the second Smoke based head behind the fantastic “Hold Tight London” website, Henry Edwards-Wood, lets us know how 2007 was for him.
Henry is responsible for last years Concrete Poets release “Writers Block”, as well as the monthly “Hold Tight London” edits alongside Morph, and is now working on several upcoming projects, including the Slam City video.
Expect big things out of this pair in 2008…

Top 3 Videos of 2007?
Static 3 – so different to anything else out this year, visually stunning and almost the skateboard version of new wave cinema I reckon.
Inhabitants – love it more each time I watch it, Joe Castrucci is a badman.
Fully Flared – of course.
Top 3 Video parts of 2007?
Steve Durante in “Inhabitants” (and his mini part in static) new favourite
Mariano in “Fully Flared” – absolutely ridiculous.
Silas Baxter-Neal “Inhabitants” – this guys a fucking beast, and one of the
best styles in skateboarding at the moment.
Top 3 London skaters on the up in 2008?
Shaun Witherup
Jin Shimizu
Steph Morgan
…goes without saying but their gonna blow up this year due to certain
projects happening throughout 2008.
Top 3 Places to film in 2007?
East India – not only is it an amazing spot but its the easiest place to
film lines, just jump onto you board and cruise the whole thing, no pushes.
Bond Street road gap, saw a lot of action with my lens pointing at it.
Stockholm – Got mad spots, its like London crossed with Barcelona – i.e
gritty, interesting spots that aren’t a bust.
Top 3 Shaun Currie quotes of 2007?
“That bowl looks expensive” (to Baines)
“My mum won’t yet me use real cups, she buys disposable ones for me.”
“You only came up to sheffield to see that bird, you don’t care about me, no
one does” (and sulks off) – this usually happens every time I’m about to
leave for London at the end of a weekend visit.
Top 3 Reason to work with Morph?
He reps London hard.
He’s the most solid non-professional filmer I know.
He’s the funniest guy you’ve ever met.
Top 3 Memorable incidents from filming in 2007?
Shaun making a security guard cry in Sheffield – always legendary.
Every trip to Sheffield has been full of incidents, usually involving Shaun.
Filming the intro sofa stuff for “Writers Block” – was so fun cos everyone
was there all together.
Top 3 Accomplishments from 2007?
Getting “Writers Block” out.
Starting the Hold Tight London website and edits.
Managing to end the year with a Broken fish eye and 2 broken cameras but
still have a good time.
Top 3 Things you never got round to doing in 2007?
Fixing my death lens – its at century optics in America now but i have no
loot to pay for the repair to be finished!
Go to Paris for a weekend.
Move into a skate house a load of heads. – London’s too expensive man, we’ll
do it this year tho!
Top 3 Things you’ve got planned for 2008?
Finish (and start properly) filming for the Slam Video – gonna be banging,
Hold Tight London to take over the world.
A lot of filming trips up and down the UK and maybe even one to Boston.