Gnarly Newport-born shred crew Carve Wicked have now gone international, bringing together some of Europe’s top skaters with one simple mission statement – skate, have fun, forget ability, just carve wicked! Currently part of the Carve Wicked collective are riders such as Tim Zom, Rob Smith, Phil Zwijsen and Sam Pulley.
In 2013, various Carve Wicked brothers came from different countries across Europe to spend seven days of quality time in Portugal with videographer Alex Pasquini. His fun and fast seven-minute film, called Portugoons, featured footage from Alex Perelson, Zom, Smith, Zwijsen, Pulley, Jake Collins, Julien Benoliel, Sam Beckett, Fernando Bramsmark and Sox, and coincided with a major feature in Sidewalk 201.
Three Carve Wicked skaters – Brits Smith and Joe Gavin and Belgium’s Zwijsen – are also pro skaters for Carhartt WIP, and the two brands came together in 2014 to produce a range of items that they say will ‘make you carve harder and truer’. An 8,5 board, pocket T-Shirt in two colours, socks and knife were all designed by illustrator Jon Horner, and were launched at an event at the Wayward Gallery with an interactive installation created by Horner and Smith.
It is difficult to say what the future holds for the unpredictable Carve Wicked, although judging by Pulley and Collins’s recent performances at NASS, it seems safe to say that some kind of mayhem will be involved. With its main aim of simply having fun, perhaps we can also expect to see more Carve Wicked skate edits than new products.