Photos Credit: Jonny Long
Last weekend, the Works Skatepark threw a pool party for its long serving gnar pit, whose tight curves and awkward coping have seen the best of many a skateboarder (if it can KO T-Bag in his prime, it’s not a pool to be taken lightly). Having not really visited the park since finishing my university studies, I was keen to mission up to cover the jam and have a good long evening reminding myself how hard it was to skate, most likely doing myself some damage in the process.
Arriving on Saturday afternoon, I found my timing perfect to reach the crew’s house about in time for their incredible DIY spot to dry up (with the aid of a broom to spread out a few puddles). This was the first time I’ve visited The Dustbowl since the clam was poured that hasn’t been a complete washout, so no time was wasted in starting the process of writing myself off completely for the evening’s event. Moderation is a word I have only a passing acquaintance with and the chance to skate some RWTB-poured ‘crete wasn’t one I planned on passing on.

8pm found me limping through the doors of The Works, hoping that a last minute burrito would counteract hours of bodily abuse. The pool hadn’t seen a good session in some time but a tight knit crew was up for the mission, the event didn’t clash with anything else in the area and it seemed like the stars had aligned…with one small problem. Over exuberance had seen the skatepark’s staff paint the entirety of the pool four days before the event which, due to the paint used and the levels of dust in the air, made for less a pool party and more a slip n slide. If you’ve ever hit a patch of black ice during a winter hillbomb then you’ll have some sense of how the pool felt to skate, despite the best efforts of the staff and Avid to fix the problem in the run up to the event. After a couple of near death experiences I resigned myself to either skating the jump ramp room or getting drunk, one of which I achieved with much more success than the other (guess which?).