Volcom Clothing and Sidewalk Magazine are giving you, the reader, your chance to ask Ben Raemers any question you always have wanted to ask him! ANYTHING!!!
Here is how it works:
You send us an {encode=”register@volcomeurope.com” title=”E-mail”} with your question, your name, and where you are from.
We will then gather all your questions, trap Ben in a corner, and force him to answer the questions we pick to be the most ‘introspective’, let’s say, and capture it all on video.
The video will then be showed on volcomeurope.com, and sidewalkmag.com
Be sure to ask your question today! Closing date September 25th!
The best questions will have a possibility of winning a Ben Raemers ‘Featured Artist’ t-shirt from Volcom. (see below…)
Check out Ben’s team page: HERE!