Harry Lintell Trauma – when good times go very, very bad…
The Trauma of Harry Lintell
Come on Harry, set the scene. Where are we?
We are in The Little Driver pub, in Bow, London. Rye’s drinking stout, I’m drinking Carlsberg, Leon (Walton)’s here and (Mark) Kendrick. It’s rained and we were out skating; that’s why we’re in the pub.
So you had a pretty bad accident back in July that people might have been made aware of via your Instagram. Take us back to the beginning of the ordeal. You were in Paris, right?
Yeah, I was in Paris at the famous plaza with the red and white floor…Créteil. We were there on a filming mission for Volcom. I wasn’t skating at that point actually; I’d already skated that trip but I wasn’t skating that spot. I was just chilling, skating flatground, I’d had a few beers…and then it all went wrong, (laughs).
What happened? What were you skating?
As we were leaving, some local brought out a DIY rail, like a really mellow handrail that went down the three-block there. You had to gap into it a little bit. Axel (Cruysberghs) and I started skating it.
I boardslid it, Axel 5050’d it, then I went to back lip it and I sacked it at the end of the rail.
I’ve seen the footage and it looked like a really mellow tap on the end of the rail, nothing dramatic…
It was not epic at all. I tapped the last little bit of the rail, it looked so shit on the footage. I was in loads of pain though, holding my dick and shit, freaking out, and everyone there, like Chris Pfanner, Dustin (Dollin) and Axel, they were saying “you should check yourself in case something’s wrong or you’ve lost a ball or something”, but I was like “nah, it’s fine, it’s fine”.
I decided to check, I put my hand down my trousers for less than a second, I literally just tapped my dick and brought my hand back out, and my whole hand was covered in blood. I started freaking out. I needed to pee actually before doing this so I went over to the corner of the plaza and was looking at my dick, and there were no cuts anywhere, nothing…but I was looking at my dick and blood was just spurting out. I wasn’t peeing or anything, but blood was just spurting out of it.
I really started freaking out then, so I thought, “I need to pee anyway so I’m going to pee now and this is all going to blow over. There’s going to be a bit of blood and it’s going to hurt, but after that it’s all going to go away”. I peed and it was like pissing razorblades. I can’t explain how gnarly it was, the pain was insane and it felt like pee was escaping into my body.
There was so much blood too. It was like blood, then pee, then I stopped peeing and the blood just kept coming. I started shaking, I threw up, then everyone heard it and saw all the blood everywhere, they came over and I lay down, then they called the ambulance.

Harry Lintell trauma