Yours truly got an opportunity to travel to New York a few weeks ago to judge the Red Bull Manny Mania Pro/Am Finals courtesy of aesthete and Austrian impersonator Chris Nieratko.
The Saturday am final saw skaters from 32 countries across the globe battle it out under the Manhattan Bridge, with Belgium’s Youness Amrani the eventual winner.
Sunday’s pro final started well with mad manny heads in attendance; but unfortunately torrential rain cut short the finals before they could really get going, so you’ll have to make do with a sketchy blog edit from the warm up sesh.
In fact, these photos are really nothing more than an excuse to shout “I blogged some Stevie Williams footage” like an utter grom, but whatever.
New York is nuts, always a good time…
Oh yeah, and Zoo York’s untouchable Mixtape is now online in its entirety for the first time too – click this!
Big shout on the East Coast.
Where's your Stevie footage at? – New York Manny Mania finals clip a Skateboarding video by Sidewalk

Stevie Williams footage, son! With Joey Brezinski and Raul Navarro…
Where's your Stevie footage at? – New York Manny Mania finals clip a Skateboarding video by Sidewalk
Keeping it New York, check out the excellent “Deathbowl to Downtown” if you have yet to do so.
And, for good measure, here is Zoo Yorks mid-90s classic “Mixtape” in full…
Zoo York Mixtape (FULL) from scottieb on Vimeo.