

Play it Again Sam – Songs used in multiple sections

Reusing music has always been a slightly grey area in skateboarding, but still something which was for the most part avoided in the era of VHS and rewatching the same video for months on end until the next tape appeared in the local shop for you to wear out the heads on. For one thing a vague etiquette demanded it and, for another, who wants to be put up against certain yardsticks to which you’ll clearly be found wanting? Skating to fIREHOSE’s Brave Captain or Sizzla’s Haunted and Nervous will forever belong to Natas and Cardiel respectively and would seem incongruous in the context of another section.

Saying this, some sections would always slip through editors’ guards and cause the occasional double up. Since the death of VHS and the rise of both cheap cameras and editing equipment – leading to a massive rise in the amount of scene videos appearing – followed closely by the internet taking over the world and offering ten million skate videos at our disposal, trying to find a previously unused song to match up to a skater is becoming more unrealistic by the minute.

This is not necessarily a bad thing though; a good song is a good song regardless and seeing how one track can interact with a different set of tricks, style and personality in a skate video can be a proper treat. With that in mind, here are some of our favourite moments where a song has been reused and re appropriated to soundtrack two or more sections.

Honourable mention: Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song, used for Jeremy Wray’s section in Plan B’s Revolution and the Darkstar montage in Almost’s Rodney Vs. Daewon Round 2. No chance of Youtube letting that fucker stand!

Bl’ast – In My Blood

Santa Cruz ‘Streets on Fire’ – Turf section/Creature Skateboards ‘Born Dead’ – Darren Navarrette

SST Records and Santa Cruz has a solid connection in the form of Bl’ast’s Owen Neider, resulting in a solid amount of the label’s music being heard in early Cruz videos. Here’s a classic in the form of The Turf section in Streets On Fire, with Navarrette undoubtedly paying homage in Creature’s Born Dead. In addition to these two, the song can also be heard in Ohio Skateout – a video which possibly got more out of the SST back catalogue than the entire canon of Santa Cruz videos…

Del The Funky Homosapien – Burnt

Plan B ‘Questionable’ – Mike Carroll/Valsurf – Tristan Funkhouser

There’s no doubt that T-Funk is killing it at the moment, but as good as this shop section is, we’re not willing to put much up there with Carroll in Questionable. MC skates to just Opio and A-Plus’ verses (and Opio spits the dopest shit on the whole track), while Tristan goes the distance with the whole track…

Black Sabbath – Symptoms of the Universe

Blind ‘Tim and Henry’s Pack of Lies’ – Henry Sanchez/ Consolidated ‘Kings of Promotion’ – Corey Chrysler/Emerica – Yellow – John Cardiel, Donny Barley and Ron Whaley

An unarguable classic, Black Sabbath’s Symptoms of the Universe has seen the skate community getting its money’s worth – these three sections cover a solid cross section of 90s rippers, all of whom somehow suit those crushing riffs…

Void – Who Are You?

Antihero ‘Cow Video’ – Andy Roy/Politic – Jon Rowe

This one is an example of a song associated with a classic section being reused and the skater pulling it off – if Jon Rowe was doing flail-armed fastplants and chucking his board at the crowd on the deck of the miniramp then Void’s Who Are You would seem like hackneyed Roy-worship, but his powerful assault on East Coast crust spots is different enough to make it work. The only herpes being spread here is from the alley-slime which looks to be coating every spots Jon skates…

Camp Lo – Luchini

Blueprint/Panic ‘Anthems’ – Rob Selley/Primitive – Carlos Ribeiro

In case you needed confirmation, here’s why Camp Lo’s Luchini is the perfect soundtrack to being a switch stance G…

Donovan – Hurdy Gurdy Man

New Deal ‘Seven Year Glitch’ – Chad Bartie/Sidewalk ‘In Progress’ – Barney Page

Two all terrain destroyers making use of the droning tambura and vocals and psych-sleaze guitar riffs of Donovan’s classic Hurdy Gurdy Man…

Elliott Smith – Happiness

Blueprint ‘Waiting for the World’ – Mark Baines/DC Shoes Welcomes Bobby De Keyzer

Mark Baines WFTW classic is reappropriated for the Bobby De Keyzer section in his and Tristan Funkhouser’s DC Shoes welcome clip, with equally enjoyable results.

Bonus Round: Vaughan Baker and Radiohead’s ‘Idioteque’

Unabomber ‘Headcleaner’ and Blueprint’s first Big Push

Vaughan Baker is no stranger to Radiohead’s Idioteque, having had it score his section in the classic Unabomber video Headcleaner before it was dusted off for further use in Blueprint’s first entry into The Big Push after his entry into their ranks.

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