“Bee-Sides”, the new DVD co-edited by Joe Gavin compiling all the highlights from Notes ten year history, should be available to buy from Note as of today, so get on the case and pick yourself up a copy for some classic and remixed Mancunian antics.
Expect to find yourself watching…
Jed Coldwell introducing section
Tony Da Silva East “Vapors” extras
“Leisure” remix by Stu Bentley
“Baghead Flats” remix by Ryan Gray
“Little Picture” remix by Dan Cintra
“Workers and Lurkers” remix by Joe Gavin
Pumpcage section by Sean Lomax
Joe Gavin section from Steven by Stu Bentley
Ben Grove Platt Fields section
New John Bell section
The Note Olympics
…and loads of other rare shit.
To wet your appetite, see below for a teaser featuring Ben Grove in training for the 2010 UK Champs at Platt Fields, then hit up www.noteshop.co.uk for your copy!
http://vimeo.com/8695574BEE SIDES PROMO from joe gavin on Vimeo.