Manolo’s Tapes present a welcome dose of Tom Asta, laying down his usual levels of tech stylishness for éS Footwear and the new Swift 1.5 shoe with back up from Jahmir Brown and Juan Moreno. Tom Asta is one of those lucky few skaters who can make the most complicated of ledge manoeuvres look stylish rather than a flailing leap into the abyss of early 90s progression previously thought stamped out and it’s always a treat to watch him piece together combos at proper speed and with proper amounts of pop and flick.
Since moving on from Zero sister company Mystery Skateboards Tom has found a home over at Santa Cruz and his visit last year as part of their European Tour saw him take to the frankly not brilliant ledge at Stockwell with gusto while his more transition-comfortable team mates Erick Winkowski and Tom Remillard took care of the curvier parts of the park. Watching him in person was a demonstration of how ridiculously consistent he is so we can’t imagine most of this took him too long to put down (he was probably as consistently tech on other legs of the tour, but unfortunately I don’t live near them so can’t comment) – press play and check the technique, then go out and try a kickflip front tail flip out to fakie until both your ankles roll so many times they become black holes…
“éS Team rider Tom Asta skates the NEW SWIFT 1.5 and does tricks that have never been done before. Filmed by the infamous skate video creator, Manolostapes, they hit the streets of Los Angeles with Jahmir Brown and Juan Moreno and take skateboarding to new levels!”