

Hold Me Closer Coping Dancer

The finest coping wizards in skateboarding

Skateboarding in 2016, at a point where you would think the levels it could reach may have to some extent plateaued, seem to be progressing faster than ever – not just in skill levels and gnarliness, but in a willingness to skate everything. The ‘ATV’ is more prevalent than ever; and, with the internet offering immediate access to what some of the most talented skateboarders in the world are doing, what is possible within skateboarding is being pushed daily.

With skateboarding growing ever gnarlier, techer or just downright bonkers, taking ever more technical street-honed tricks to transitions – something popularised in the early 90s which slowly faded out of fashion as vert skating started seeing a lean towards higher airs and further rotation – is bound to make a comeback sooner rather than later. We decided it was high time to pay homage to these wizards of the coping, from vert innovators like Chris Miller, Steve Douglas and Chad Vogt (Danny Way, of course, was fucking with both airs and lip tricks like it was nowt) to Daewon and Haslam, whose ‘Cheese and Crackers’ video reopened the floodgates for miniramp tech. Hold me closer coping dancer…

Steve Douglas – New Deal ‘Useless Wooden Toys’ (1990)

Lip trick innovator Steve Douglas sums up what I’m trying to highlight in his first line – throwing in tech weirdness whilst still maintaining flow and with enough flailing arm steez to keep things interesting! Basically the same thing that Chris Miller would take to its logical conclusion…

Chris Miller – Planet Earth ‘Now N Later’ (1991)

“I like to cover distance when I do tricks…to me that makes it more fun.” If ever there was a solid back up to that statement, it’s Chris Miller’s section in ‘Now n Later’. Going mach ten for a frontside or backside air is one thing, but a disco lip across the entire width of the ramp is another ballgame altogether…

Ben Schroeder – Krooked Guest Board (archive footage)

Make skateboarding dangerous again! Ben Schroeder keeps things on edge – both literally, whether it be flying eggplants or alley oop nosegrinds, and metaphorically in the sense that he looks like he could eat shit at any minute. Grosso said it better than I ever could;

“How do you make it as gnarly and as death as possible?……that’s Schroeder in a nut shell.”

Todd Congelliere – Santa Cruz ‘Risk It’ (1990)

F.Y.P. may have not quite gotten on their feet in terms of recording quality by this point, but the Conge’s skateboarding was on point – the undisputed king of the mayday/piv fakie variation! As a bonus, enjoy him harnessing the spirit of Todd Falcon at 1:27 here

Alphonzo Rawls in H-Street – Lick (1993)

We couldn’t not include Alphonzo Rawls in this one – his section in H-Street’s ‘Lick’ shows exactly how people were adapting the burgeoning bag of possible street tricks onto vert ramps – back noseblunt reverts and cab back foot flips on point! The dude is still on it too

Chad Vogt – H-Street ‘Next Generation’ (1992)

If this was a video game then Chad Vogt would be an end of level boss, firing revert ray guns and sal flip to pivot fakies at your head – basically, every trick in here is mental. We recommend pressing the mute button though, as the music is as bad as the ‘H-Street video soundtrack’ sub genre gets. While you’re at it, Todd Baechle’s section in the same video is shorter, but offers similar levels of obscure coping combo excitement!

Barker Barrett – Creature Skateboards ‘I Was A Teenage Skateboarder’ (1994)

When adapting street tricks to vert, the humble miniramp is the logical mid-point and so it would be remiss of us to ignore those down to get tech on a smaller transition. Barker Barrett makes the most of some scaled down transitions way back in 1994, and below you can see him doing the same towards the end of his section in Ipath’s incredible 2005 Promo…

Greg Nowik – Birthday Mega Mix

Greg Nowik’s skated more miniramps than you’ve had hot dinners, and eats cheese and crackers for breakfast…can flip it late, sal or double, big up to one of our skateboarding institutions!

Almost – Cheese and Crackers (2006)

The video that opened the floodgates of what was possible on a miniramp – well, possible if you’re Daewon Song or Chris Haslam. This also mapped the trajectory of Daewon’s skateboarding style up until now – if Instagram was big in 2006, this is the video that would have broken it…

Honourable mentions go to; Jordan Richter, Fred Olande, Dan Dolan

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