Remember the Greenpeace Glastonbury ticket competition from a few weeks back? Well, the deadline for entrants was last Friday, and today we can announce the names of the lucky humans who are going to Glasto next weekend!

There were three categories by which to win, ‘best trick’, ‘best line’ and ‘judges discretion’. The winners of each are as follows:
Best Trick: “Killah P” James Kilpatrick – ‘Cheese on Tape’ – kickflip manual kickflip out (03:03)
Best Line: “Arny1990” Josh Arnott – Ollie stairs, wallride second set (00:37)
Judges discretion: “rupertantoine” Rupert Antoine, 16 years old, ripper.
Well done to all the winners, and props to everyone else who entered. To see the other submissions, head on over to
Skaters appearing at the Greenpeace ramp this year include the likes of Greg Nowick, Aaron Sweeny, Chris Oliver, Woody, Nicky Howells, Rob Smith, Awad Mohammed and Darryl Dominguez. Be sure to check it out.
Tickets can still be bought for this years Glastonbury by visiting