The Etnies ‘Recognition Tour’ has been based in London for the past couple of days, with Etnies UK rider and Manchester kingpin Joe Gavin finding himself in the mix.
Don’t forget that tomorrow is the last day of the tour, so get to the signing at Slam City Skates on Saturday from 12midday – 1pm, followed by the last demo at Bay 66 skatepark from 3pm to 6pm.
For now, have a scan over the snapshots below, and check out the accompanying video blog for a couple of clips from Mile End Skatepark.

Who even needs a skatepark anyway?

Kyle getting his chillax on.

Praying to the boozey Gods of Shoreditch.

These two (i.e Dom and Ben – not Joe, he’s well behaved) + booze = go directly to jail, do not pass ‘go’, do not collect £200.

TM Turv and Ninja Fingers.

Spot the odd one out.