From Sidewalk 212 – May 2014
I’m always honoured when asked if I want to write about any of our Black Sheep team riders, but with Eddie I’m instantly drawn to taking the piss instead of saying what a straight up ruler that he is.
I’m not sure why he always attracts this uncalled for abuse from both Harry and myself, but it’s given us years of entertainment so we must thank him for that at least.
So without going into his cruel nicknames too much – such as ‘The Poisoned Dwarf’, ‘Sly Ed’ etc – you all should know by now that Eddie is pretty much the definition of the term ‘skate rat’. Big up’s the Belvedere! Much love…
– Tez.

Eddie rode away the glorious victor. Photo: Leo
Don’t know what to say about Manchester really.
I love it and I hate it.
I’ve spent a big portion of my life skating the haggard streets of this northern city and feel grateful that it has had such a strong and productive skate scene for as long as it has.
It has changed a lot over the years; a lot of the shitty old buildings and dodgy streets have been transformed and it doesn’t feel as sketchy when you’re out skating with your mates, searching for new spots any more. Even the general public seem to be a little more understanding about what we do on these fancy planks of wood these days.
A real skateboard pirate!
I had the pleasure of touching with him around the UK a few years back.
We hit it off pretty well and spent the week skating, drinking and getting messy at every possible opportunity.
He had the ability to party all night and then shoot a photo with ease as soon as we left the hotel in the morning – something I have been trying to perfect ever since. I remember being gutted when the trip came to an end and I had to go back to reality.
Hopefully I’ll get to skate and party with him again one day. Remember – ‘The Pikey C*nts’ are forever!
What a beautiful place to live. Five minutes from an amazing beach, 24-hour pasty shops, and it rains cider! I feel right at home here now and have been welcomed into the skate scene by all my new friends.
So many rugged spots to skate and great ale to drink! I love you Cornwall!

The Black Sheep family! The shop team consists of some of the UK’s best skateboarders and biggest liabilities – Rob Smith, Nick Stansfield, Jiri Bulin, Chris Barrett, Jake Potts,Beez, Lewis Threadgold, Andy Scott, Josh Bentley and Harry Lintell.
We have won the Vans European Shop Riot twice now and been to four of the finals. One year in Munster we were all sharing a sauna when Rob decided to piss ass over the hot stones – I’ve never seen a group move so fast when that stench hit our noses!
I’m so stoked that I ride for this amazing shop! Some big things are in the pipeline for The Black Sheep too, so keep your eyes peeled.
Big thanks to Harry and Tez for all the hard work they put in to running The Black Sheep and keeping it a radical, fun and a no-bullshit environment.

(avoiding slight rail gappage). Photo: CJ
Before we got together she ran a bar in Manchester where I used to drink. I’d been on one for a few days and ended up in there with a couple of mates carrying on with the party. All morning I’d been trying to get my ears pierced but none of the studios would do it because I was too smashed. I told her about my problem and she kindly offered to pierce both my ears for me at the bar.
I’ve been with her for six years now and love the crazy girl more than ever. She understands my addiction to skateboarding and tells me when I need to chill the f*ck out. I feel lucky to have her in my life.

Fakie flip to keep the Fat Controller happy (or pissed off). Photo: Parker
A special breed of human beings with a no-bullshit attitude: full of energy and keen to shred all the time. They do what they want! Pea wet and babys yed is what they’ll be eating for tea tonight.

Eddie dances out of this rad flip rail into bank. Seq: CJ
Bolton Bones was my second home as a kid; I still dream about skating there even though it’s been gone for so long.
Tez, Andy Scott, Mike Sutcliffe and Leroy all made it what it was.
I remember all the comps and demos that came through over the years and all the gnarly shit that went down. Ask Rob Smith about the mini ramp setup; it was literally the best. If I won the lottery I would rebuild the whole park exactly how it was. Wish I could skate it right now. Good times!
Hopefully the very first Superdead video will be finished by the end of August. It’s going to have full sections from Nick Remon, Chris Oliver, Jiri ‘George’ Bulin and myself.
Sean Lomax is the man behind the lens and in charge of editing so it’s going to be f*cking bangin’! The plan is to have the premiere in Manchester and throw a big party with our friends that will be remembered forever.

Boosted wallie into the pasty and cider ridden streets. Photo: Leo
I love going out for a surf with Leo and Titmus; it’s a totally different world to skateboarding.
It’s a bit weird at first when you’re squeezing into a wet suit and jumping in the cold sea in the middle of December, but it’s such a good a feeling when you catch a wave. I’d compare it to bombing a massive hill on a skateboard, though it is pretty scary when a wave crashes on you and pulls you under for a few seconds.

Manchester’s number one drinking crew who also like to do a bit of skateboarding on the side. They’ve probably consumed more Stella than anyone else in the world. Getting warmed up for a skate consists of drinking four cans on the bus into town at 11 in the morning, buying another four when they get off and then terrorizing the streets of Manchester on their skateboards.
A great bunch of friends and pirates who I’ve had the pleasure of getting absolutely spangled with for the last ten years.
P.U.M.F, P.U.M.F, P.U.M.F…

One day I will live in Costa Rica.
If you ever get the chance to visit this amazing country then do it. It’s the greatest place I’ve ever been to and all the people I met on my travels were radical. I wasn’t sure what it was going to be like for skateboarding but it didn’t disappoint. It’s got an amazing scene and so many sick rugged spots to skate.
Big ups to Christian, Louisa, Adolpho, Pato and all the locals for all the hard work they put into building the San Isidro skatepark. It was a pleasure meeting you guys and skating there.
Pura vida!
Miss this guy more than ever.
Still feels mad that I’m never going to see him again.
Anyone who ever met Pingu will know how much of a legend he was. He was always keen to show you videos of his twisted sexual escapades whether you wanted to see them or not. I’m glad that I got to spend a good chunk of my life getting up to mischief with this guy and laughing at his f*cked up anecdotes! He was my best friend and I will never forget him! Peace Pingu!