Davis Torgerson was injured last summer so, rather than stay laid up and bored, decided to grab a VX and keep his seat in the van while filming the ripping going down around him. The result was ‘Naptime’, the edit you see below with the horde of rippers you also see below
Skaters in order of appearance: Pat Gallaher, Kirian Stone, James Hardy, Mike Anderson, Josh Manoles, Nathan Cameron, Rob Sissi, Joe Hall, Ernie Torres, John Demar, Tim Fulton, David Jaimes, David Nelson, Cody Riley, Antoine Asselin, Chris Cole, Tom Karangelov, Derricke Nua, Corey Millet, Justin Brock, Robbie Brockel, Dolan Stearns, Taylor Nawrocki, Davis Torgerson, Jack Olson.
Additional filming by Tim Fulton, Chris Thiessen, Matt Bublitz, Mikey Taylor, and Jackson Casey
Graphics and animations by Josh Manoles