I head out early-ish on the third day of the Copenhagen Open, where a planned handrail session has been moved last minute to a triple set by the water – a photogenic location which offered endless possibilities for boards being sent to a watery grave. The change of location means that nothing is getting started too quickly, so I crack a beer and find a spot amongst the growing crowds; say what you will about 4.5% lager, it’s a helpful way to ease yourself into the day’s liver onslaught. The crowd builds and Alexander Risvad kicks things off with a powerfully stomped frontside flip, before starting to warm up to the 360 flip. He gets close, too, before his board is the first to be sacrificed to the Nordic water god (whose name according to Wikipedia, that ever fallible minefield of public-sourced facts, is ‘Njord’). From then on it is anyone’s game.