The second part of Chris Johnsons blog from his recent mission to Madrid with the Death lot is online underneath, so get browsing at your leisure.
Again, there’s quite a few pictures to get through so we’ve had to spread them out over two pages – don’t forget to click over to page two when prompted…

Mid week we managed to find the famous Museum spot and spend an entire day racking up coverage in the blistering heat. Dan’s next section ender.

Steaks filming is almost scientific!

Ready when you are mate.

Dan joined in with all the other Juggling, Dancing and generally annoying idiots that made our lives hell all day.

Boots was not a fan of Dan’s custom colour way.

We finally collapsed in one of the local pizza places. The devaluation of the pound is making things tough!

The good times are over.
Continues over on page two…

Steady diet of nothing.

Pushed to breaking point.

It was so dirty that the sleeves fell off!

Nicolson Mid line Nollie Tre.

Moggins has been steady workin out.

The lesser of 3 pretty sketchy run ins with the law.

The Southbank of Madrid.
Round three tomorrow…