If you frequent either The Forum or pay much attention to what goes on in the wonderful world of Facebook, you’ve probably already heard that Ben Nordberg took a bad slam whilst out skating in California last week, resulting in a broken leg, several trips to hospital and a shitload of concerned humans.
The official line right now is that, though the situation is obviously shite, Ben is only expected be off his board for the next two months whilst his leg heals up, and should be finding himself on a flight back home to Bath at some point over the next 24 hours.
Geoff Rowley sent us over some pictures of everyone’s favourite posh/pikey-type taken in hospital the days after the incident, which can be seen below, plus there’s another photo tagged on at the end that I’ve robbed off Ben’s Facebook showing the 47 staples that are currently keeping his leg sealed – grim.
Click here for some new footage of a pre-injury Ben and Luan tearing up the Flip mini.
Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery, boss!