Bristol Lloyds Big 3 comp
So we have been doing the big 3 jam at the infamous Lloyds set here in Bristol for a few years now and the turn out and level of skateboarding has always been amazing , although the past years events have been a bit tortured by the good old British weather.
This year’s event came around bringing with it the almost impossible task of finding a free weekend at Lloyds due to multiple food, music, wack council festivals and other events taking over the spot every weekend throughout the entire Summer. So after having a few re-scheduled dates we were set to go last weekend, well so we thought, until the Wednesday when we went to skate after work and yet another massive event had appeared there: stoked.
We chatted to the people involved to try and ascertain when it finished and they said it would be over on Friday but with the amount of fencing and marquees we knew this would be tight and may not happen, so we conjured up a back-up plan just in case, which, thankfully we didn’t need.
I went to Lloyds late Saturday morning, the day of the jam, and was stoked to see a couple of the locals skating despite it still being fenced off and they pointed me in the direction of a friendly lady who was in charge of the site. After a brief chat she was instantly down and got her crew re-fencing the site for our event, so many thanks to them as this could have easily not gone ahead there this year.
So it was on, the sun was shining and everything was sorted for the big 3 to go ahead which I was relieved by to say the least, especially as I knew heads were travelling from all over via my Insta feed!

Check the photos and video for yourselves but all I can say is that despite all my experience of traveling round to jams and events all over the place for years, I have never witnessed such an intense session down a set this big with NBD’s and hammers getting dropped everywhere.
I think at two separate moments three NBD’s went down back-to-back: it was insane!
We could not believe what was going on with visiting rippers and hardcore Lloyd’s locals continuously landing trick after trick after trick.
The media guys had their work cut out – it was hard enough to watch and keep tabs on what was going down, luckily for me, Snadzz was taking notes on his phone.
So it went on for absolutely ages and I think they would have carried on indefinitely but there was a shortened crew of very tired devout hammer lovers that we got to carry on after the initial carnage so as to work out the eventual winners and, let me tell you, we had our work cut out for us.

Finalising winners was extremely hard as in previous years only a few NBD’s had been done but this year so may went down leaving our professional judging operation with some very hard calls to make. It was insane how many tricks some people had done down the set over the afternoon but it is a best trick comp after all so here’s the outcome we reached: extremely hard to call!!!!
Massive props to everyone who came to skate and bear witness to this absolute banger of day. It could not have gone better and we are truly stoked on the outcome. The UK scene has a very promising future with plenty of new faces emerging in this one. Watch the edit and check the snaps and don’t miss out on the next one!
Thanks to Rich Smith, Tidy Mike and Mike Arnold for their filming duties. Leo Sharp for shooting the flix, Habgood for his MC assistance and special big thanks to DC And Red Bull for their support on this one .
See ya next year for more absolute carnage!