Here’s one for you to add to your Xmas list! Andy Evans is cashing in on your Festive Period with the release of “This, That and the Others”, a two disc must have containing all the independent Evs-Dog productions leading up to “Heel Toe Magic”, namely “This N That”, “Straight To Video”, “As-If”, and “Chillin'”.
In addition to the four full length releases, the box-set will also include a bunch of exciting early 90s extras, featuring Fungus and Luke McKirdy sections, a Plan B 1992 demo with Danny Way, Mike Carroll, Rick Howard and the rest, and a Radlands 1993 pro comp edit, which comes complete with a supposedly epic Penny run – seriously, what more could you possibly want?
“This, That and the Others” should be available from your local SOS in a couple of weeks retailing at the humbling and shocking price of £5, presumably thanks to some Jedi-like mind games between Zorlac and a DVD duplicator!
A fiver! That’s mental! Stockists, hit up Power for the info…